A project born for and with the deaf

«Our paths crossed in 2014 during the Contamination Lab in Cagliari (a training course dedicated to innovation) where we decided to fulfill Alessandra’s desire to improve the life of her deaf parents, making them more independent, and making them feel safe. Since then we have never parted!
Alessandra as the daughter of deaf parents knows firsthand the difficulties and limits that deafness presents in everyday life.
From our exchange of experiences and ideas we started IntendiMe, founding a company with the aim of creating a solution that would improve the daily life of deaf people. After years of study, work, effort and thanks to the trust of many, we have developed KitMe the innovative sound detection system that alerts you to the sounds around you. For us IntendiMe represents the meeting of three brains, but above all the meeting of our three hearts because we have shaped our lives according to this ambitious project, in which we believed from the first moment with enthusiasm, passion and total dedication»

The founders of IntendiMe
Alessandra, Giorgia & Antonio