IntendiMe is firmly based on the values of inclusion, accessibility and equality and promotes a reality capable of understanding, enhancing and integrating what is usually perceived as “different”.

The IntendiMe team is made up of deaf and hearing people who work together to meet the needs of those who live with hearing loss every day, offering solutions capable of bringing benefits and a positive impact in their lives. That’s why ours is a project born with the deaf and for the deaf.



Deafness is called an invisible disability, because it is less evident than other disabilties but no less hindering in everyday life.

Letting people know and be aware of deafness allows for a greater understanding of this disability and its many facets and therefore allows for more inclusion and integration for the benefit of all: breaking down barriers together is possible!


Come dare voce ai clienti - (non) sentire ma ascoltare, c'è tanto da imparare

TECHNICAL TABLE – to give voice to deaf people

We truly believe that collaboration is the best way to improve.
Our philosophy has always been to create something for the deaf and especially with the deaf.
On March 30, 2022 we created a technical table to understand how to improve KitMe.

Per saperne di più, leggi l’esperienza al tavolo tecnico di Consolata Platone

Come dare voce ai clienti - (non) sentire ma ascoltare, c'è tanto da imparare

EMERGENZA SORDI – an important collaboration and a tester of excellence (Luca Rotondi)

IntendiMe in collaboration with Emergenza Sordi is committed to helping deaf people to perceive sounds in different life contexts.
For the state of independence and security that brings an important added value to deaf people in everyday life.

Come dare voce ai clienti - (non) sentire ma ascoltare, c'è tanto da imparare

COMMUNICATION ASSISTANT COURSE – The first course in Sardegna

IntendiMe supports the course for Communication Assistant of the Sardinia region in collaboration with the Institute for the Deaf of Turin. To give deaf children the opportunity to live serenely in the school context, making it more accessible, through specialized staff in schools of all levels.


PUNTI DI VISTA – deafness told by deaf people, accessible for everyone

Punti Di Vista is the program, developed by IntendiMe in collaboration with AscoltaMe, which talks about deafness through deaf people. Created and designed for everyone right away and not, as usually happens, content created for the hearing and then made accessible to the deaf through subtitles and/or translation in LIS.

RESEARCH ABOUT DEAFNESS – a bridge between hearing and deaf people

We are extremely pleased to have met Dr. Francesco Pavani, professor of General Psychology at the Mind / Brain Center of the University of Trento, as well as coordinator of several research projects in Italy and abroad. This meeting gave rise to an important collaboration with IntendiMe, to support his search for answers to the question “How can deafness change the way people perceive the world? How do they collect and choose information from the environment, act and learn from experience?”.


PSICHOLOGICAL SUPPORT – also for deaf cancer patients

IntendiMe supports those people who, with their professionalism and dedication, make the most sensitive environments such as hospitals, accessible even for deaf people. This is why we support our travel companion Mauro Mottinelli, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, forensic psychopathologist and court CTU, in his psychological support project for deaf cancer patients.

Come dare voce ai clienti - (non) sentire ma ascoltare, c'è tanto da imparare

COURSE OF DIGITAL MARKETING – digital communication towards deaf people

During the Digital Marketing Course organized in collaboration with the network of companies of the startup incubator The Net Value in Cagliari and sponsored by IntendiMe, IntendiMe asked the participants to develop a project focused on digital communication towards deaf people. This is because we are convinced that technology is an important key to an increasingly accessible world.

SHORT FILM “SEGNI” – a world without barrier according to the new generation

The concepts of inclusion and accessibility are fundamental themes for the growth of the new generations. For this reason IntendiMe involves schools, accompanying even the youngest towards a world without more barriers. Together with the students of the G. Siotto high school in Cagliari, we made the short film “Segni”, as part of the “Cinemadaragazzi” laboratory, allowing them to make a world that has been silent for too long resound.


Come dare voce ai clienti - (non) sentire ma ascoltare, c'è tanto da imparare

SUBTITLING SUPPORT – Deep study of bilingualism between Italian and Italian Sign Language

The Cooperative Il Treno has created a series of contents on bilingualism between Italian and Italian Sign Language, visible both on the FB page of IntendiMe and on that of Il Treno. IncludiMe had the pleasure of supporting the sub-entitlement in LIS for content accessible to all.


IncludiMe is the project of IntendiMe, aimed at companies from different sector, to ensure:

  • to deaf employees to be able to fully integrate and collaborate profitably with the rest of the team
  • to deaf customers to take full advantage of the services offered by the company

This requires tools and measures that make the surrounding environment accessible and barrier-free for everyone.


AscoltaMe is a Third Sector Entity that was created to multiply IntendiMe’s commitment to making deafness known in all its nuances, so that it is no longer perceived as a condition belonging to a world of its own.

“Integration in in our cooperative DNA. When they propesed us to collaborate with AscoltaMe, we also saw our objectives in its objectives: to raise awareness of a disability and promote an inclusive approach where both diversity is experienced as a wealth, as well as collaboration between hearing and deaf people is strongly promoted.
– Dott. Ing. Alessandro Dessi, Presidente Ente Nazionale Sordi (ENS) di Cagliari –